Friday, 1 May 2009

Work from Dan

Hello all

As part of the requirements for the course, I handed out jobs for people to do on my film. One of the major areas this included was the task of colouring in my work. I already uplaoded what Laura did for me, and today I recieved the two scenes that I asked Dan Wilkinson to colour for me.

An issue arose with the above scene; because I had not made it clear that the white band across the pigeon's beak was meant to be white, I recieved it back black. This was an easy problem to solve, taking only a few minutes to do so and was not the fault of Dan.

Overall I am pleased with the job that Dan did on these, they look great.

On another note, keen observers will note that the pigeon's wings were a blue colour in my concept art, whereas here they are grey. Why was this changed? Mostly because I felt that it made drawing and colouring the character overly complicated, and on top of that, I felt that the character only really needed two core colours (red and grey) and a third was unnecessary.

Anyway, that is all for now.

Compositing awaits.

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