Sunday, 10 May 2009

Working with Jo and Tim

For my film, I asked Jo Raithby if she could colour two scenes for me on ToonBoom. She accepted, and as evidenced in her own blog, she completed the task to the full. She was all set to deliver the work to me, when unfortunately she fell ill, also documented in her blog.

Because of this, I felt that through not fault of her own, Jo would not be able to deliver the work to me in time to fit my own schedule. Therefore, I elected to colour the two scenes myself, which took very little time and allowed me to start properly compositing a lot earlier. Jo will still get credit in the film for doing the work, because she did it even though I ended up not using it.

Below are the scenes in question, coloured by myself.

On Thursday, Jo requested my aide when it came to cameras and helping her render. Originally I was to set up the render on my own home computer to help speed things up. However, this plan fell through when my computer's copy of Maya unexpectedly started crashing repeatedly. This seems to be an issue with Maya itself, as I encountered similar problems with Matt Evans work a few days before.

Therefore, me and Jo used the studio computers to render her work. I also set up the cameras angles for Jo, who asked for my help with them because she felt my understanding of camera angles was stronger than her own.

This week I also recieved the work that I asked Tim Storrow to do for me. In my film I have multiple shots of a book with the pages turning. I requested that Tim Storrow do these for me in Maya in order to lighten my own work load and make things a little easier on myself. Tim did exactly as I asked, and the only issue of note that cropped up was the rendering, where Maya for no apparent reason would refuse to render the toon lines, necessitating that I restart the entire computer and render again. This only seemed to happen on the university Macintoshes, and was not an issue elsewhere.

Below is an example of one of the page turns:

This completes all of my work regarding the Client Oriented Practice and Team Production unit of the course. Throughout my blog you will see all the cases where someone worked on my film or I worked on theirs clearly documented. I personally feel that I was very lucky with the people I worked with. Every one exceeded my expectations and delivered to the deadline on time.

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