Wednesday, 4 March 2009

Boiling Fixed


Remember my animation?

Remember how the lines wobbled like a ladybird standing on one leg?

Well I fixed that, check this out.

Now the animation isn't 100% finished, but this is more about the lines than anything. Basically after months of working on Toonboom, I remembered that you can select lines. I also remembered that if you can select something, u can copy and paste it.

After realising this, I decided to see what it would look like if instead of tracing over lines when something doesn't move, like here the character's head and body dont move much at all, so I just pasted the lines on a new layer, and drew in what mvoed, rubbing out and redrawing on the rest when needed.

The result? Well my lines don't boil, which majority of people prefer.

...I actually prefer it with a bit of boil, but enough people have said they prefer without, and this was saves time. So this what I'll be doing from now on (have already gone and fixed some previous scenes that were, as the Hobbits say, screwed Mr Frodo) and no doubt I'll stop being a whiny git and learn to like this way.

I'm off to battle evil

and by that I mean animate

Go me, master of bizaare segues.

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