Sunday, 2 November 2008

Laura's Workings

Hello Again!

If you've visited Laura's blog lately, then what you're about to see is going to be very familiar. Laura nicely asked me to do a few character designs for her. She said she was having problems with her moon character. She wanted him to be a cheeky shocker kind of character that moons the audience. The first person who came to mind was Johnny Knoxville so I did a design along those lines that she seemed to like. Main issue with this is that because of his shape, the bottom half looks a little phallic.
The second character she wanted me to do was the character of Venus. Using the god that the planet was named after, she wanted to make the character. Laura had already gone for a Marylin Monroe type imagine, which I felt was perfect, so I merely expanded more upon that.
After that came Mars, who Laura wanted as an Arnold Schwarznegger type. I sort of went down that road, but went away from the body builder side and more towards the Bruce Willis action hero type. I also put him in military clothing to reflect the 'God of War' that the planet was named after.
I also began to do some work on the aliens that inhabit Laura's film, but around that time I fell ill so the design dropped in quality.
I am not finished designing for Laura, and this will be updated when I have done.

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