Taking these things on board, I spent several hours playing around on Photoshop, painting up a new set design, still using the design Sarah did for me as a base, and the result was this.
I was pretty happy with this, the thorns look better, more like thorns and more importantly, more threatening. The design is a bit too Warner Bros-esque for my liking, but overall I was happy with the design. One thing that does still need to be changed, however, is the design of the tree. It's still too similar the tree that's being used in Matt Evans film, plus it doesn't quite look dead enough to me.
After this, I did another quick sketch to get an idea of the set from a different angle.
Despite the drawing being at what can be generously described as a weird angle, I do like this drawing. It has a nice style to it that I find quite cool. I'm also starting to get a better idea from this of what the floor plan of the film is going to be like.
Finally, I began to work out the top and side view, so that I could start thinking about asking Jenn to model the set for me. I'm aiming to be ready to do that by the end of the week.
So overall, Set Design is back on track and going better now. Still not overly happy about it, but am feeling a bit better about it now. Hopefully, it'll all be sorted by the end of the week, so I can focus on particle effects, sound and my final animatic.
Jobs I need filled are:
Have been working on a new storyboard which I have quickly put together as a roughly timed Animatic. I'm not going to explain what's going on in the animatic, primarily because I feel if the animatic is working then I dont need to explain it. Anyone looking at this, if you could leave a comment if you can't understand what's going on, I'd much appreciate it.
More playing around in ToonBoom, first I did a jump to get to grips with the mechanics of jumps.
I then added a little wiggle to the anticipation, after a suggestion from Adam
I also did a very quick 'surprise take' animation.
Starting to get used to ToonBoom now...
I decided to start practising on Toomboom, as well as start to get an idea of how the Kakapo moves. Here I'm trying to get a child like feel into how the Kakapo walks - like a kid kicking up leaves or pretending to tightrope.
Here's a test I did quite a while back, when I was still doing the penguin character.
This demonstrates the pipeline for my animation. I drew this in Photoshop, imported into AfterEffects to composite it with the skyline and ground.