Monday, 27 April 2009

Thorns from Joe

Last week I asked Joe to model the thorns in my set for me, mostly because I became aware that the idea of making the thorns a plain with a texture on it was;

a. Stupid
b. Time consuming
c. Going to kill my rendering time

So I asked Joe to model me some thorns by today, and above is the result of his work. I felt Joe did a good job, and I am pleased with the results. I will now work on putting the thorns into the set, and adding finishing touches to it.

I hope to be rendering by Wednesday.


Upon importing the mesh into my set, I discovered that the combination of my set and the mesh of the thorns, resulted in the computer slowing down, making it difficult to move around in Maya.

Luckily, Jo Raithby pointed out the Reduce tool on Maya, which I used to get this:

Unfortunately this has resulted in a loss of quality compared to Joe's original mesh, but is a sacrifice I feel necessary in order to make working on the set easier on myself, as well as to speed up the rendering process.

Texturing my Set

Okay, I have been playing around with textures on Maya and Photoshop, and below are the fruits of my labours.

As you can see, the set is looking a tad flat at the moment, but I intend to rectify this by adding more detailed shading to the textures. Also glaringly missing are the thorns upon which my lead character meets his untimely (but bloody hilarious) demise. These are being modeled by Joe Cornell, who tells me he will have them sent to me very soon.

Also, for clarification, the grey blocks are to represent the characters in the set, in order to help me plan my camera movements more accurately.

Back to the grindstone...

Colour Done

Below are some samples of my final animation in colour, which I completed this weekend. The colouring stage is now nearly complete, with only the colour work from other students needed to be done before I can sign the entire colouring stage off.

With my side of the colouring stage finished, I can now move onto putting the finishing touches onto my CGI set and getting it ready for the rendering stage.

Tuesday, 14 April 2009

Filming Reference

I figured I should upload this, despite any embarrassment is may cause me.

Below are some samples of the reference I filmed for different points in the film.

Enjoy my grace and beauty.