Monday, 16 February 2009

Overlong Animation

I promised myself I wasn't going to just keep uploading scenes as I do them, 'cause it'll make watching the film at then end for anyone watching this incredibly boring. However this is an exception.

You see, I had originally intended for this shot to only be a couple of seconds long (indeed, I believe the original should have been uploaded earlier and is on here somewhere) but I kinda... went overboard. I planned out too many little movements and shifts, and... well, that 2-3 second scene ended up clocking in at over 16 seconds.

I can't see me using all of this in the final film (the final film is geared to be between a 1 min and 1 min 30, for cupcake's sake!) so here it is it's complete, unedited glory!

(P.S. I'd be interested to hear what part people like the best, to help me choose a section for the final film.)

Thanks y'all!

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