Sunday, 26 October 2008

Storyboard Draft

I've now produced my first storyboard, which I'm not entirely happy with. The story flows and is understandable but a lot of the camera positions are repetitive and bland, and I shall change them on further iterations of the storyboard.

The short opens on a sign that reads 'Flight School' we then cut to a cliff where the Crane teacher is over-seeing a random bird (most likely a Pigeon) as it jumps off the cliff and takes flight. Seeing the bird's success, the Crane looks at his book and ticks them off. He then turns the page and comes to the next student - the Kakapo. He gestures to the Kakapo, and the Kakapo looks surprised and worried.The Kakapo quickly checks to make sure the Crane isn't pointing at anyone else, and then decides that he's gonna do a runner. However, he doesn't look where he's going and runs face first into the Owl. The Owl glares at the Kakapo threateningly, and the Kakapo becomes scared. He does an about turn and legs it towards the cliff in fear.
The Crane, meanwhile, has become distracted by something in his book. After reading the entry on the Kakapo properly, he realises that the Kakapo is a flightless bird. He yells after the Kakapo, trying to stop him, but is too late. The Kakapo jumps off the cliff, and seems to have taken flight...
...except he hasn't, and the Kakapo plummets towards the ground. The Crane flinches in response to what we presume is a rather unpleasant end for the poor Kakapo. He then dutifully crosses out the Kakapo's 'Flightless' status, and replaces it with 'Extinct'. Barely taking a moment to mourn, the Crane indicates that is now the Owl's turn. We fade out as the Owl prepares to jump also.
The story is coming into place now, however I'm disliking the current ending. I think it will be better if after the Crane writes 'Extinct', he turns the page (as he did previously for the Pigeon) and we get the credits instead. I think this will make the credits more organic to the film also.
On top of that, there are a few aesthetic changes that could be made. Dave suggested that the Owl be facing away from the Kakapo and scares him by turning his head around 360 to glare at him a la the Exorcist. I really like that idea, and may incorporate it.

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